How to Remove Smell From a Leather Jacket?

remove Smell From a Leather Jacket

A leather jacket is not just a piece of clothing; it’s a timeless fashion statement that endures style and sophistication. But when it comes to accumulating the bad smells in the jackets, it can give you a hard time.

But before going into this, I’m excited to answer the one main question. “What does leather smell like naturally?” Natural leather has a distinct smell often described as earthy, rich, and sometimes sweet. It’s a unique scent that many people find pleasant. The smell comes from the tanning process and the natural oils in the leather. However, when the usage of leather jackets increases, they lose their natural scent. As leather is a natural material, it has a tendency to absorb other smells from its surroundings.

Whether it’s the result of exposure to smoke, dust, or everyday wear as it leads the jacket towards having a foul smell. To effectively eliminate the smell from the jackets, it’s essential to identify the source of the smell. At the same time, one must need appropriate removal solutions that will not compromise the quality of the jacket.

In this blog, I’ll resolve all your queries regarding the removal of the smell from your leather jacket. Stay here till the end! The surprise is somewhere in the blog.

So, let’s get started.

Different Ways to Remove the Smell From the Leather Jackets

Airing It Out:

You must be wondering how to get rid of the leather smell through this process.

Well, the magic begins with a bit of fresh air. Find an excellent, shady spot—preferably away from direct sunlight to hang your jacket. Avoiding direct sunlight is crucial because it can dry your leather and lose color. Look for a breezy area where your jacket can “breathe” and soak in the freshness.

How long should you take your leather jacket to chill in the open air? Well, it depends on how intense the smell is. As a general rule, aim for 24-48 hours. During this time, consider rotating your jacket now and then.

Rotating might sound like a little extra effort, but it’s a game-changer. Turning it around every few hours ensures that all parts are exposed to the fresh air. Consider the weather when planning your jacket’s outdoor spa day. Opt for a day with low humidity, as excessive moisture can be a leather jacket’s nemesis.

Incorporating this easy trick into your leather jacket care routine can make a noticeable difference. So, find that perfect shady spot, let your jacket soak in the goodness of fresh air, and say goodbye to the leather smell.

Baking Soda:

Now, what about leather deodorizer? Well, baking soda is a natural deodorizer and a natural way to eliminate any bad smells from outerwear. But here’s a little tip for your precious jacket: don’t let baking soda touch it directly, or it might change colors.

Grab a big zip-lock bag, the kind you use for snacks. Put an open box or a cup of baking soda in the bag with your jacket. Seal the bag tight, like you’re keeping a secret, and let the baking soda do its thing overnight.

Leave the bag alone for a night, allowing the baking soda to work magic and gobble up all those foul smells. It’s like a sleepover for the jacket! When the new day comes, carefully take your jacket out of the bag. Please give it a good shake for any leftover baking soda.

Now, there is another thing that will be good for leather jackets. Activated charcoal, another hero in the odor-fighting squad. Treat it the same way as baking soda. Pop your jacket in a zip lock bag with a cup of activated charcoal, seal it, and let it overnight.

How to Get the Smoke Smell out of Leather?

Whenever you are out with friends, many people are habitual of smoking. The guys smoking near you leave the smell of tobacco in your outfits. As the inhaling of cigarettes is harmful to health, the smell of smoke affects health as well. Leather is designed in such a way that it captures the different odors of our surroundings. The smell of the smoke in the jackets irritates your eyes, and it’s frustrating for the people socializing with you. It could not only jeopardize the reputation, but it can impact the health. Then, people are looking for answers to how to get the cigarette smell out of leather. So, I decided to clarify it for you guys.

Baking soda and activated charcoal are like superheroes, sucking up and defeating bad smells of smoke as well. Yes, they are also used for the foul smell of smoke. They leave your jacket smelling fresh and fantastic. These natural odor-fighters rescue your wardrobe from the bad smells of smoke. But stay focused on the deodorizing process. A single mistake can cause unrecoverable damages.

Use of Leather Conditioner:

Using a leather conditioner is like giving it a little spa day. These simple steps will guide you through the process and ensure that your jacket looks good and smells fantastic.

Grab a damp cloth and gently wipe away dirt or bits hanging on the surface. Think of it like giving your jacket a quick shower to freshen up.

Now, take your secret weapon: leather conditioner. Make sure to pick one made for clothes. Read the label carefully. Follow them to apply the conditioner onto your jacket, giving it a luxurious treatment.

Here’s where patience comes in. Let the conditioner do its thing for about 10-15 minutes. It allows the conditioner to seep into the leather, saying farewell to any lingering odors and deodorizing it.

Once the waiting game is over, grab a clean, damp cloth. Wipe away any extra conditioner that hasn’t been absorbed. Give your jacket an excellent rub-down to spread the love evenly.

Now, it’s time to let your jacket breathe. Find a comfy spot with fresh air and let it air dry. Imagine your jacket soaking in the sun after a rain shower.

Bonus Guide:

How to Get Rid of Polyurethane Smell?

The smell of polyurethane, often associated with newly manufactured items, is primarily due to the off-gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by the material. This smell depicts the true new quality of the jacket, but it can harm health.

The impact may vary based on factors such as the concentration of volatile organic compounds, individual sensitivity, and the duration of exposure.

Getting rid of the polyurethane smell from a jacket may take some time and effort, but here are some practical steps.

Coffee grounds are excellent for absorbing and neutralizing odors. Place an open container filled with coffee grounds near the jacket. Leave it for a day or two to let the coffee grounds work magic.

Create a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. Dab a cloth into the solution and gently wipe the jacket’s exterior. Vinegar is known for its deodorizing properties. Allow the jacket to air dry thoroughly afterward.

Use fabric fresheners or sprays designed to eliminate odors. Be sure to choose a product suitable for the type of material your jacket is made of, and follow the instructions on the label.

Add a few drops of essential oils known for their pleasant scents, such as lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil, to a cloth or cotton ball. Place these inside or near the jacket pockets to introduce a pleasant aroma while combating the polyurethane smell.

Place dried lemon or orange peels inside the jacket pockets. Citrus peels can help neutralize odors and leave a refreshing scent. Replace the peels regularly for continued effectiveness.

Place clean, fragrance-free linen or cotton sheets around the jacket. These materials can help absorb polyurethane odors without introducing additional scents.

Consider taking the jacket to a professional dry cleaner if the odor persists. They may have specialized techniques and products to remove odors from various materials, including polyurethane.


So, I have finally answered your question, “how to get the smells out of the leather.” Please remember that from the simplicity of the fresh air to the natural wonders of the substances, each method contributes to the styling of the jacket and excites the exciting and fresh aroma. Whether you opt for natural deodorizers or essential oils for a personalized touch, these extra tips add versatility to your strategies for eliminating smells from the jacket.

Your jacket deserves nothing less than a fragrant triumph, ready to accompany you on every fashionable adventure.

Here’s the surprise for you.

Looking for a fashionable leather jacket? Would you love to enjoy a real leather smell in your jacket? Then, you must buy a leather jacket from Leatheriza Affinity. You’ll enjoy the best shopping experience ever!

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